Blocking Buffer
Special Characteristics
High efficiency : Increase signal intensity
High compatibility : Suitable for downstream PBST and TBST wash procedure and also compatible with every immunochemical application
Simple : Safe and ready to use
Figure 1. Signal strength comparison of Casein, BSA, milk, and BlockPRO™ Blocking Buffer. Loading 30 μg cell lysate (HepaG2) and detect with anti-AMPK (mouse, 1:1,000). Secondary antibody : anti-mouse IgG-HRP 1:10,000. Membrane: Hyond™ P. Detection : Hyperfilm™ ECL. All results were exposed for 30 seconds and capture by X-ray film.
Figure 2. Blocking with skim milk or BlockPRO™ Blocking Buffer and detect by SEM. 30 μg cell lysate (HepaG2) separated by 12.5% SDS-PAGE and blocking by skim milk or BlockPRO™ Blocking Buffer. Membranes detected by SEM. The SEM result showed that BlockPRO™ Blocking Buffer only blocks on excess binding site and reveals the position of antigen, therefore it will not reduce the signal intensity.
MSDS_BlockPRO blocking buffer
Manual_BlockPRO blocking buffer
Special Characteristics
High performance: Provide better specific signal and less background noise than traditional blocking buffer
Multiple application: Suitable for Western blot, dot blot, ELISA, and other immunoassays
High quality control: Ensure lot-to-lot consistency for your most reproducible results over time
Figure 3. BlockPRO™ Protein-Free Blocking Buffer is better than protein-based blocking buffers (skim milk, BSA and casein) for detection of target protein in Western blotting. THP-1 cell lysates were prepared and separated by electrophoresis. The proteins were transferred to PVDF and blocked for 1 hour at room temperature with the indicated blocking buffer, probed with mouse anti-pAMPK followed by anti-mouse HRP and detected by chemiluminescence. All results were exposed to X-ray film for 30 seconds.
Figure 4. BlockPRO™ Protein-Free is suitable for various protein antigen detection, such as high molecular weight protein, tACC; phosphoprotein, pAMPK; abundant protein, GAPDH; low molecular weight protein, histone H3. THP-1 cell lysates were prepared and separated by electrophoresis. The proteins were transferred to PVDF and blocked for 1 hour at room temperature with BlockPRO™ Protein-Free Blocking Buffer. Antibodies designed to probe the indicated proteins were used. All the signals were detected by chemiluminescence and were exposed to X-ray film.
Figure 5. BlockPRO™ Protein-Free Blocking Buffer can be used in both PVDF and nitrocellulose platform. Hela cell lysates were prepared and separated by SDS-PAGE. The proteins were transferred to PVDF or nitrocellulose membranes. The membranes were blocked for overnight at 4 °C with BlockPRO™ Protein-Free Blocking Buffer or 5% skim milk, probed with mouse anti-histone H3 followed by anti-mouse HRP and detected by chemiluminescence. All results were exposed to X-ray film for 30 seconds.
MSDS BlockPRO Protein-Free Blocking Buffer
Manual BlockPRO Protein-Free Blocking Buffer