Gel Electrophoresis and Protein Bands
Different molecular weigth protein band being separated by gel electrosphoresis

Electrophoresis is an incredibly popular technique. Within the last 30 years, electrophoresis has rapidly evolved from a high resolution method of relatively limited application into a widely used analytical technique of unrivaled resolving power and exceptional versatility. “It is probably no exaggeration to say that well over half the papers and perhaps as many as three quarters of all the research papers in the whole field of biochemistry make some use of electrophoresis”. 1

Currently, the most commonly used electrophoresis technique is SDS PAGE (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Poly-Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis). SDS solubilizes proteins by coating them with a uniform negative charge, disrupting the majority of noncovalent bonds and reducing their hydrophobicity.

SDS treatment largely removes differences between proteins in both charge and conformation, making size the main determinant of electrophoretic mobility. This is the basis for using SDS electrophoresis to determine the approximate molecular weights of proteins with reference to the mobility of standard proteins on the same gel. The use of gradient gels makes this estimation more accurate by sharpening the bands. This band sharpening is achieved by providing the appropriate gel pore size.

NuSep offers high-quality protein electrophoresis products – precast gels, stains, molecular weight markers and standards, running buffers, and blotting products – for your protein analysis experiments.

1 A T Andrews, Electrophoresis Theory, Techniques, and Biochemical and Clinical Applications, 1981.

Featured Protein Gel Electrophoresis Categories

nUView Tris-Glycine Precast Gel Box for ThermoFisher/Invitrogen gel tanks

Protein Precast Gels

nUView Tris-Glycine Precast gels: 
Longest shelf life – up to 24 months (maximum)
Best resolution, sharpest bands
View results under UV in 2 mins
Short run times (30 minutes vs 1.5 hours)
Fits your tank: Choice of 3 cassette sizes
5 different concentrations 
Available 10, 12 and 15 well formats

SingleShot Buffers


Running Buffers
SingleShot Buffers
Sample Buffers
Transfer Buffers

•  more consistent
•  more efficient
•  standardized

Power Supplies

Choose from 4 different models:  

WIX-EP300 Basic Electrophoresis Power Supply
WIX-EP600C Classic Electrophoresis Power Supply
WIX-EP600 Universal Electrophoresis Power Supply
WIX-EP600T Multi-Functional Electrophoresis Power Supply

Electrophoresis & Blot Apparatus

Electrophoresis Tanks and Gel-making Kit
Compatible with Precast gels
Excellent leakproofness
Vertical Blot Cell for transfer protein sample to NC or PVDF membranes
High-current fast transfer and low-current overnight transfer available

Protein Ladders

Protein Standards

Pre-stained Molecular Weight Standards: 
Applications include SDS-PAGE and Western blotting

Sharp bands: Color-coded bands of similar intensity for easy visualization
Ready-to-use: Direct loading on gels without boiling or diluting
Compatiable with stain-free gels: View results under UV in 2 mins

Coomassie Stain Eco-Friendly

Protein Gel Staining & Imaging

Coomassie blue stain
Fast, Easy to Use Protocol 
Eco-friendly, Non-hazardous disposal
Costs Less than Regular Coomassie
Dual Wavelength
Convenient, Wi-Fi enabled
Smaller Size