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Understanding NuSep's nUView Tris-Glycine Precast Gels

What can nUView Tris-Glycine Precast Gel do for your research?

  1. Increase Efficiency
    1. nUView Precast Gels are easy to use. They are designed with solid well identifiers which means the gel wells will not get distorted as they do with traditional precast gels. With these patented solid wells, researchers no longer have to remove the combs from their precast gels before putting it into the gel tank, nor do they need to remove the tape on the bottom. This means fewer steps for researchers as well as easier to view results.
  2. Compatibility
    1. nUView Precast Gels comes in 3 different sizes - 10cm x 8cm, 10cm x 8.5cm, and 10cm x 10cm - meaning it can fit in different gel tanks. For researchers who like the benefits of nUView precast gels, they don't need to worry about finding a new precast gel to use when they switch their gel tanks, they can continue buying from NuSep. nUView precast gels are designed to fit Bio-Rad's Mini Protean™ tanks, Invitrogen's XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell tanks, as well as most generic tanks. Not only that, nUView Precast Gels are compatible with most stains and buffers and can perform all standard SDS staining procedures.
  3. Save Time
    1. nUView Precast Gels are easy to use and require fewer steps which can increase research efficiency. Furthermore, they have a run time of approximately 30 minutes and can be visualized under UV light in 2 minutes. This means researchers no longer need to wait long to view the results. Recently, nUView is preparing to launch a new and improved precast gel that can allow researchers to view the results without removing the gel from the cassette. This means no risk of damaging the gel during the transfer as well as one less step for researchers.
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